When a couple gets a divorce, they have many issues to address. Sometimes, these issues can be heated and accordingly, contested. Alimony can be a very emotional issue to resolve as both parties have an opinion on what they are entitled to and they often do not agree. Based on the financial needs of the individual and the earning capacity of both parties in a divorce, the court might award one of the different types of alimony offered in court cases. In most situations, alimony, also known as spousal support, can be modified as circumstances change. Do not hesitate to contact Paris P. Eliades Law Firm, LLC for a consultation today to learn more about your rights regarding spousal support.
Different types of alimony explained
New Jersey has changed the laws related to spousal support. No longer is there an alimony structure called “permanent” alimony. This was changed because “permanent” alimony was never supposed to be permanent. In New Jersey, there are several different types of alimony, including:
- Open-durational alimony: When the spouses have been involved in a long-duration marriage, usually over 20 years, the court will typically award open-durational alimony. Even though open-durational alimony does not have a set end date, the amount can still be modified based on changing circumstances. This type of alimony is largely determined based on the financial need and the earning potential of both parties.
- Limited-duration alimony: In many short-duration marriages, the court might order the payment of limited-duration alimony. Based on the duration of the marriage, the age of the divorcing spouses, and the earning potential of both parties, the court might award a limited-duration alimony to help one party become financially independent.
- Rehabilitative alimony: Rehabilitative alimony is typically paid short-term to allow the relatively financially dependent spouse to reach financial stability. Rehabilitative alimony is commonly used to pay for additional schooling or vocational training.
- Reimbursement alimony: When one party has foregone meaningful employment in order to pursue an advanced degree, the court might award reimbursement alimony. This type of alimony is often used to pay back the spouse who had worked while the other spouse was in school.
Mediation may help resolve alimony issues
New Jersey courts work towards a fair and just structure. They will take into consideration factors from both sides when deciding on the matter. Some couples are able to put their emotions aside in order to settle this issue outside of court. Through mediation, couples may be able to agree to terms that would otherwise be ordered by a judge. Couples usually can accept the outcome because the fate of their arrangement is in their hands and not a court’s. Mediation can save you time and legal costs. If you are considering mediation, contact  Paris P. Eliades Law Firm, LLC to discuss your options. No matter your specific situation, it is important to discuss your matter with an experienced attorney.
Contact a firm with your best interests in mind
If you have questions regarding spousal support and alimony or the process of mediation to solve the issue outside of court, we encourage you to contact the Paris P. Eliades Law Firm LLC. Our Sparta attorneys have years of experience related to family law matter and spousal support. We will work for you best interests and tenaciously protect your rights. Our diligent attorneys are ready to assess your case, guide you through your options, and work towards the best conclusion. Contact Paris P. Eliades Law Firm, LLC for a consultation today.