If you suspect that your spouse is suffering from a substance abuse problem, that is a valid reason to file for divorce. You have to think of your safety and the safety of your children, if you have any. Contact our Sparta divorce attorneys and get the process started.
What Are Some Signs That My Spouse Has a Substance Abuse Problem?
There might be a few noticeable signs that your spouse is suffering from a substance abuse problem. Sometimes these signs are physical, and sometimes these signs are financial. Often, it is a combination of multiple issues and behaviors that make it clear that something is wrong. A spouse with substance abuse problems may:
- Change their sleeping habits
- Struggle to keep up their personal appearance
- Get into legal trouble often
- Abandon activities they once loved
- Become neglectful of you, the kids, and their household duties
- Suffer from sudden financial problems
Any of these things can be an indicator that something is wrong with your spouse and that they need motivation to get help.
Is Substance Abuse Grounds for Divorce?
Yes, substance abuse is grounds for divorce in New Jersey. More specifically, “voluntary addiction” to drugs is. What this means is that if your spouse is addicted to drugs and making no effort to fix this problem, then you can divorce them and cite this as a reason. “Habitual drunkenness” is also a potential reason for filing a divorce.
If your spouse is actively seeking treatment, you may not be able to file for divorce on these grounds. However, it is important to note that New Jersey does allow no-fault divorce. So you do not even technically need to bring up the substance abuse when you file for divorce.
Can My Spouse’s Substance Abuse Affect the Divorce Settlement?
In some cases, yes. This is especially true if they are making no effort to fix their problem and provide a safer environment for your children. So their substance abuse issues could be considered when certain important parts of your divorce agreement are finalized. It could affect:
- Who gets primary custody
- What kind of visitation schedule is developed
- Whether or not visitation needs to be supervised
A judge could also order them to get treatment or take other steps to make them a better guardian for their children. It is also important to note that having a substance abuse problem would not prevent your spouse from being ordered to pay child support or alimony.
Contact Our Law Firm Today
So if you are ready to file for divorce, reach out to Paris P. Eliades Law Firm, LLC. We are prepared to help you fight for the best possible outcome in your divorce proceedings, so take the time to learn more about what a seasoned divorce lawyer can do for you and your family today.