Often, child support is one of the most complex matters of divorce. As a result, you may have questions or concerns. Read on for a brief overview of some of the most commonly asked questions regarding child support in New Jersey.
What is the purpose of child support?
In New Jersey, child support is generally paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent to help cover the cost of necessities for the child. The purpose of child support is to help ensure that the child’s standard of living is the same as, or better than, before the divorce.
How is child support determined?
Child support is typically determined by a judge. When making a decision about child support, a New Jersey judge will consider some of the following factors:
- You and your spouse’s earning capacity
- You and your spouse’s age and health
- The age and health of your child
- Whether your child has any special needs
- Whether your child is seeking higher education, such as college
- Whether you or your spouse have any liabilities
- You and your spouse’s standard of living
- You and your spouse’s yearly income
- The child custody arrangement you and your spouse currently have in place
- Your child’s needs
What is child support meant to cover?
Child support is designed to help cover the following expenses:
- Basic necessities
- Medical care
- Educational fees
- Childcare
- Transportation/travel
- Entertainment
- Extracurricular activities
- College expenses
When can child support payments end?
Child support payments cannot end until the child reaches the age of emancipation. In New Jersey, this is generally 18 years old. However, payments are often extended. For example, if the child decides to pursue higher education, child support can be extended until the child is 23 years old. On the other hand, child support can be ended early if you can prove that your child is independent and financially stable.
What if I don’t pay child support?
Skipping child support payments can result in:
- Taking money directly from the defaulting parent’s wages
- Redirecting a tax refund
- Credit reporting
- Seizing their property
- Suspending their driver’s license
- Denying them a passport
- Taking money from a civil award, settlement, or lottery winnings
If you have any questions or concerns about child support in New Jersey, our firm is here to help.
Contact Our New Jersey Firm
If you are getting a divorce or have any other questions regarding divorce-related matters, please do not hesitate toÂ
contact Paris P. Eliades Law Firm, LLCÂ for a consultation today.