mediation myths couple sitting man woman

When a couple seeks a divorce, they may have trouble resolving pertinent issues such as the division of financial assets and child custody agreements. Whatever the case may be, divorcing couples should consider divorce mediation services. Divorce mediation can help couples reach a mutual consensus on their divorce agreement. However, couples are discouraged by divorce mediation myths. These misconceptions should be ignored as divorce mediation can greatly benefit divorcing couples who want to avoid litigation. If you are interested in divorce mediation, contact our experienced and trusted Sussex County, NJ Divorce Mediation Services. We can help you resolve your disputed issues today.

What is divorce mediation?

Mediation is an alternative method that avoids litigation. Couples seeking a divorce may choose this type of procedure as it typically tends to be cheaper and saves a substantial amount of time. Essentially, divorce mediation consists of mediated sessions between divorcing spouses where an unbiased third party helps the couple compromise and reach a mutual agreement about the terms that will apply to the termination of the marriage. Divorce mediation can be a beneficial and effective method for divorcing couples as it helps solve disputed issues. However, several myths dissuade couples from choosing this option including:

Myth #1

There are several misconceptions about divorce mediation. However, one of the most common misconceptions is that divorce mediation is not legally binding. Divorce mediation is legally binding. Once a divorcing couple reaches a mutual agreement they will have to sign a contractual agreement that legally binds them to adhere to the terms established in the agreement.

Myth #2

Another misconception individuals believe is that divorce mediation does not avoid litigation. However, that is not the case. The only way individuals will end up in court after divorce mediation is if they fail to abide by the terms they’ve agreed on in their divorce agreement.

Myth #3

Additionally, individuals also believe that divorce mediators dictate the terms of the divorce agreement. However, mediators are only there to mediate and help each spouse make necessary compromises. Mediators are impartial and allow both parties to voice their opinions and concerns. The mediator does not dictate what a reasonable agreement is. It is up to the divorcing couple to create a collaborative agreement that is fair to each spouse.

Myth #4

Furthermore, couples are worried they won’t understand how divorce mediation works. This is an understandable worry as a lot is at stake. However, there is no need to worry as mediators will guide and inform couples on how the process works.


Another misconception about divorce mediation is that it is only for couples with a straightforward case. However, that is false. It doesn’t matter if a divorce involves many or few assets as well as if the couple has children or not. Divorce mediation can work for divorcing couples who have complex factors. Ultimately, divorcing couples must be able to compromise to benefit from divorce mediation. Nevertheless, divorce mediation is not right for every couple. If the divorcing couple has an imbalance of power, domestic abuse, or one spouse is unwilling to compromise, the process will not be successful.

If you are seeking divorce mediation services, don’t hesitate to contact our qualified team members. Our firm is committed to helping our clients reach a collaborative agreement on the terms that will apply to the termination of their marriage and minimize future hostility between spouses.